You may have noticed BBCC's social channels sharing #BeachVintage photos over the past few months. Past and current beach members have enjoyed the trip down memory lane and our youngest generations have learned how true "legend by the lake" really is.
Our instagram posts were just a taste of a larger project we have been chipping away at over the last few months. We are excited to announce the launch of Balmy Beach Canoe's Digital Archive. In light of Balmy Beach turning 115 this year, we wanted to revive the rich history of our club through this digital archive.
The history of Balmy Beach Canoe Club includes 5 CCA (Canadian National Championships) Titles, 3 CanMas (Canadian Masters Championships) Titles, 10 Olympians, 85 International Medals, and 32 Canada Games Medals. However, the majority of our legacy goes beyond numbers, ranking, and medals. At its core, BBCC is a community brought together by the love of paddling. Memories of summer camps, training, competitions, travelling, friendships, celebration, camaraderie, and glory is what our archives illustrate.
In our digital archive, you will find a page allocated for each decade since 1900. The launch of this project is only the beginning. After sorting through 1000s of archives, we realize we have only skimmed the surface in displaying the best of BBCC's history. We encourage the help from our community and alumni to contribute photos, videos, documents, and general information to continue to grow this online resource. If you have archives or information to contribute, please contact us.
As always, Up the Beach!