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On Site Instructions:

May 27, 2021



  1. Arrive on site. You are allowed to park your car in the parking lot or lock your bike along the fence where the sports camp locks their bikes in the summer.

  2. All personal belongings must be kept in your car or away from the trailer/boat loading area

  3. All boats in use will be stored on the large trailer.

  4. Only 2 people can be at the trailer at one time. This means that upon arrival you need to stay clear of the trailer if it is occupied and wait your turn.

  5. You must use hand sanitizer before touching anything on the trailer. Hand sanitizer will be provided & kept on the big trailer.

  6. Boats will be strapped on the trailer using the same set of straps each time. Do not change your straps or touch others.

  7. Time must be kept to a minimum at the trailer. You are there to unload your boat and immediately proceed to the docks. There cannot be any set up, warm ups, or discussion held at the boat loading area. 

  8. You must not enter the club house or the boat bay.

    • Only the washroom in the club house can be used in emergency situations. If you have to use the washroom, you must wash and sanitize everything after use​​ (sanitizer is kept in the washroom). You must also wear a mask (not provided, you must bring your own mask).

  9. After retrieving your boat from the trailer, you will walk through the path between the fence and the boat bay to access the docks (identified on map).

  10. Only 2 people can be on the dock at once. If the dock is occupied, athletes must wait their turn by forming a line while staying 2 metres apart.

  11. You must not touch each others equipment. This includes adjusting resistors or other boat parts - you must do this yourself. 

  12. If you are using a club life jacket, you cannot leave it at the club after each use. You will bring it home with you between practices and return it to the club after it has been sanitized.

  13. After you have finished your paddle, you will exit from the dock and leave going between the club house and the boat bay (illustrated on the site map). Athletes will need to line up along the side of the club house, staying 2 meters apart until the trailer is unoccupied (2 people maximum).

  14. Athletes will load their boats 2 at a time to maintain the appropriate distance. Again, time at the trailer must be kept to a minimum. You are only loading your boat, gathering your belongings and any other activity must be done outside of the designated boat loading space

  15. You must maintain a 2 meter distance at all times. You must sanitize everything you have touched on site. 


BBCC Map 2021.jpg

Return to Paddling:

May 27, 2021

The canoe club is in the process of moving towards on water training.  This will be a phased approach starting with our high performance and development athletes.  There are, however, several steps that need to be taken by you, the athletes/parents, and the coaches to ensure that we are returning to a training environment that is both safe and conducive to quality training.  Below you will find a list of things you need to do to get back on the water and things you need to know.  Recognizing that returning to Ashbridges Bay while complying with all CKC, CKO and Public Health regulations will require cooperation from everyone, a second e-mail with specific policies relating to the function of the site and practices/procedures will follow when we have solidified a start date for on water training.


Things You Need To Know


The link below will take you to the CKC return to paddle policy page.  The Balmy Beach Canoe Club will be operating with strict adherence to these policies at all times.  We will continue to reassess and evaluate our policies to ensure we are aligned with all changes and developments with regards to these regulations.

Canoe Kayak Canada:

Additionally, all athletes and coaches must be adhering to strict daily health monitoring before accessing the paddling environment.  All athletes, coaches/leaders or anyone who will be part of the paddling environment must adhere to the policies below:

  • All individuals must continuously monitor their own personal health.

  • All individuals in the paddling environment are required to self-monitor daily (prior to attendance at a session) for symptoms of COVID-19 using the Government of Canada Self-Assessment Tool at and any person showing symptoms must:

    • Report to Peter or Chris their absence

    • Coaches will immediately inform Anne Buckley when an absence is due to:

      • experiencing signs or symptoms of COVID-19; or

      • having been in close contact with or living in a household with a person who has signs and symptoms of COVID-19 or who is being tested for COVID-19

    • Refrain from entering the paddling environment or coming into close contact with others and seek appropriate medical attention and direction on isolation.

  • Any coach/leader/paddler who exhibits COVID-19 related symptoms, or has come into close contact with a person who has symptoms of COVID-19 are not permitted to return to the paddling environment for at least 14 days

  • If the coach/leader/paddler attended a BBCC training session in the 48 hrs period prior to start of symptoms – expect Anne Buckley to reach out to collect tracing information so that reasonable steps can be taken to protect our paddlers/coaches at the Canoe Club.  The identity of the coach/leader/paddler will not be shared but information will need to be collected.   


Boat Storage

Until we enter Stage One of the provincial reopening plan, all boats and equipment will be stored on the trailer.  The boat bay will not be accessible during this period of time.  If you need to remove your boat from the boat bay please let Chris know and we can arrange a time this Saturday for its removal. 



Washroom usage will be limited to emergency use only.  A mask must be worn at all times when inside the building and all common touch surfaces must be wiped down after use.  If these policies are not adhered to, use of the facilities will be restricted.


We will also be following a strict adherence to the following protocol for anyone who becomes symptomatic while in the training environment:

  • A paddler must notify a coach that they are sick and get off the water right away

  • The paddler should place their boat on the trailer, collect their belongings, call their parent or emergency contact and isolate in their vehicle or in a location specified by the coach, until a            coach speaks with them

  • A sick paddler must remain at the practice location until a parent or emergency contact is satisfied they are safe to drive or picks them up

  • A coach will put on a fresh mask and gloves and take a mask and gloves to the paddler

  • The coach will confirm that the paddler’s parent or emergency contact has been reached or will help the paddler contact telehealth at 1-866-797-0000

  • The paddler will retrace their steps to identify any surfaces touched and any close contacts (persons within 2 metres for 15 minutes or more)

  • Coach or Anne Buckley to contact close contacts to inform only that they may have had close prolonged contact with someone showing symptoms of COVID-19 – the close contact will be            directed to advice from their doctor or telehealth

  • A coach will wear a mask and gloves to clean all surfaces identified as having been touched by the paddler – including the boat used


Things you NEED to do

There are several steps you must take as an athlete before you can return to training.  All of these steps MUST be taken before you return to on water training.


  1. All athletes must be registered as a Balmy Beach Canoe Club Athlete.  Athletes can register via this link: 
    SportiCal - 2021 Full Summer Development + HP - Balmy Beach Canoe Club

  2. Read and sign the 2021 Participant Waiver (Attached File)

  3. Read and sign the 2021 BBCC Policy and Procedure Document (Attached File)

  4. Read the 2021 BBCC COVID-19 Safety Plan (Attached File)


Once again, I must reiterate that all of the above steps must be taken before any athlete will be approved to return to on water training. 


You will receive an email following this to assign you to your group including your arrival time which will also outline the schedule for next week.


Thank you athletes and parents for taking the time to read through this message thoroughly. Once we have approved a return to paddle date, we will publish a follow up announcement with the BBCC specific practice policies.


Summer Camps:

May 27, 2021

Sports Camp Waitlist:

Both the BBCC Sports Camp and Sports Camp CIT Program are fully sold out. We have set up waitlists for each program here:

CIT Wait List:


Camper Wait list:


How the Wait List Works: 

  1. Wait List registration does not guarantee a spot in the BBCC Sports Camp

  2. You must register for the wait list only for weeks that you intend to be added to in the event that a spot becomes available

  3. If you choose to register for multiple weeks of wait list, only ONE spot will be allotted to you on a first come first serve basis. This is intended to allow more people the opportunity to participate in Sports Camp this summer. 

  4. If you have signed up multiple children for the wait list, please note that spots become available one at a time, and we cannot guarantee that both of your children may end up registered for the same week.



Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Sports Camp 2020 will be a HALF DAY Program, running from 9am-1pm each day. Updated information on our program can be found here. 

Payments and Refunds:

May 27, 2021



If our camps have to be cancelled by directive from any level of government, a full refund will be issued.  If you choose to cancel your previously booked week(s) a 10% administration fee will be deducted from your refund.



For more information you can navigate to CKC's COVID-19 page, Ontario - Health, Canada - Health, and WHO - COVID-19


As always, the health and safety of those in our care will govern our policies.

Please Contact Us if you have any questions

Return to Paddling
Summer Camps
Things you need to know
Things you need to do
On Site Instructions
Payments and Refunds

Programs at Balmy Beach Canoe Club are accessible to everyone.  Financial subsidies are available to those in need, please contact us to discuss.

We appreciate the generous support of our sponsors

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© 2020 Balmy Beach Canoe Club

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