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Thank You BBCC - From The Owens Family

To the Balmy Beach Canoe Club:

We wish to express our gratitude for the Tribute on the Beach to your friend, and our dear son and brother, Nicholas Owens. We were – and still are – overwhelmed by the outpouring of emotion for Nick by our community here in the Beach, anchored as it is by all of you at the Balmy Beach Canoe Club. There are few words we can add here to augment those already stated by Nick’s loved ones, except that the Club has been an important part of our lives, and an important part of the Owens kids’ development, for the better part of 20 years. Throughout those formative years, Nick and his siblings developed long-time friendships, motivation and self-worth. These are characteristics that a strong community produces in a young person; in this case, one in which coaches, parents and friends all collectively conspired to produce, not just by training and purpose, but by being who they are. We thank you all for being there.

Ellie, Paddy-O, Jeff, Jess, Laurel, and Eric Owens

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